hifu treatment

HIFU Machine For Skin Tightening: Beauty Beyond Age

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Are you tired of traditional skincare routines that yield minimal results? Do you long for a non-invasive, effective solution to rejuvenate your skin and turn back the hands of time? The search for your skincare savior ends here.

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. While the treatment is utilized for facial rejuvenation, tightening, lifting, and body contouring. Because of advancements in HIFU technology, HIFU treatment is now more convenient, cheaper, safer, and more successful than ever before.

HIFU machine requires less time for treatment sessions and is non-invasive. The HIFU treatment is rapidly becoming popular, and it is suitable for almost everyone. Especially younger people who don’t want the recovery time and risks associated with surgery. Here in this article, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about HIFU, so keep reading.

What Is HIFU?

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) uses focused ultrasonic energy to target the skin layers beneath the surface. The ultrasound energy penetrates both the dermis and the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), which are the same layers that are tightened during traditional facelift surgery. The ultrasonic energy increases the temperature of the tissue. When the targeted cells reach a specific temperature, they are stimulated to produce more collagen. The increased collagen results in firmer, tighter skin with fewer wrinkles. The HIFU machine uses a computer-controlled system that targets specific areas without harming the surrounding tissue. As a result, the treatment is safe and has little to no downtime. HIFU can last up to 1-2 years as an anti-aging treatment and can continue to firm up your skin for months after the treatment.

Additionally, the HIFU machine can be used to dissolve fat in specific areas of the body. Specific ultrasound heads are used to target the layers of the skin where fat is stored. The ultrasound head used depends on the area of treatment and the depth of the fat deposits. This feature helps to remove fat and tighten the skin for areas such as the double chin, stomach, upper arms, lower back, inner and outer thighs, and buttocks.

Benefits of HIFU Treatment

  1. Non-invasive and doesn't require incisions or surgery.
  2. Fewer complications than surgical procedures.
  3. It is a safe procedure with less to no side effects.
  4. Effective for skin tightening, reducing wrinkles and fine lines, and lifting sagging skin.
  5. HIFU offers long-lasting results that are noticeable immediately after treatment.
  6. HIFU stimulates collagen production to make your skin look younger and healthier.
  7. HIFU machine is a versatilegadget that can be used to treat various body areas.
  8. The treatment usually takes 30 - 60 minutes, which makes it a quick and convenient option.
  9. No downtime is required after HIFU treatment. So you can resume your daily activities immediately after the treatment.

Side Effects of HIFU Treatment

Although HIFU treatment has few side effects, some people may feel pain or discomfort after the treatment. A study found that some of the participants who had pain after the treatment on their face or body recovered without any further assistance.

Here are some common side effects that subside on their own over time.

  • numbness
  • swelling
  • bruising
  • redness
  • a purple rash

Care for HIFU Treatment

Though the HIFU machine is safe for home treatments, following a few guidelines before and after the treatment will help to get better results.

Before HIFU Treatment

  • Avoid using injectables 4 weeks prior to treatment in or around the treatment area.
  • Don't use any face peels 4 weeks prior to the HIFU treatment.
  • Avoid microdermabrasion two weeks before HIFU treatment.
  • Avoid any laser treatments on the target area two weeks before HIFU.
  • Avoid overexposure to the sun 48 hours before treatment.
  • Avoid using skin care products that include active chemicals like Vitamin A, C, AHAs, and BHAs 3 to 5 days before treatment.
  • Make sure that your skin is shaved and clean before treatment.

During Treatment

After cleansing your skin, apply ultrasonic gel to protect your skin and increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Place the HIFU handpiece on your skin and hold it in one area at a time. While the energy penetrates the skin, you will feel a warm, tingling, or prickling sensation. You may experience some discomfort, but it is bearable.

HIFU Aftercare

  • Do not apply an ice pack to reduce the side effects this will reduce the effectiveness of the HIFU procedure.
  • The treated area may feel warm right after the treatment.
  • The treated area may become flushed, red, and tingling.
  • Avoid waxing the treated area for the next 3 to 5 days.
  • Don't laser the treated area for 2 weeks following the HIFU procedure.
  • Avoid exfoliating the skin for about 2 to 3 days.
  • Avoid intense exercises for 24 hours.
  • Avoid using skin care products that include active chemicals like Vitamin A, C, AHAs, and BHAs for 3 to 5 days following HIFU treatment.
  • Avoid steam rooms, massage, and hot baths for 24 hours.
  • Avoid sunburn for at least 2 weeks during the healing process of the skin.
  • Apply aloe vera to the treated area if the skin feels sensitive
  • or hot.
  • Apply sunscreen with an SPF 30 daily.
  • Consume plenty of water.


  • Pregnant women.
  • Patients with hyperthyroidism, heart disease, and diabetes.
  • Patients with cancer.
  • Individuals with metal implants.
  • Open wounds.
  • Had IPL treatment or laser in the past month
  • Individuals who had botox treatment in the past three months.
  • Prosthesis-filled areas.
  • Avoid HIFU if you are currently taking any skin thinning, photosensitive, or acne medicine.
  • Avoid HIFU if you have acne, open sores, skin sensitivity, or infection in the target area.
  • HIFU treatment cannot be performed if you have had threads within the last 6 months.


1. Is HIFU painful?

As a non-invasive treatment, HIFU is a safe and painless procedure. However, some people may have mild discomfort during the procedure, or have pain afterward.

2. Is it good or bad to have HIFU in your 20s?

It depends on the elasticity of your skin. Some young persons may develop skin looseness earlier than others. You could use HIFU at low power to avoid skin difficulties in those people, but in general, lack of skin elasticity is not the major cause of skin troubles for people in their 20s. It is not necessary, in your early twenties.

3. Which is better? Dermal fillers or HIFU?

HIFU and Dermal Filler injection have different purposes. Dermal Fillers restore lost volume to fill up the skin, while HIFU tightens loose skin and stimulates collagen production. To get the best results, utilize both HIFU and Dermal Fillers. Add volume in the upper cheek with Dermal Fillers, it will pull up the lower face. Then treat the lower face HIFU machine to promote collagen production, which will tighten, lift, and firm the skin.

4. Is HIFU right for me if too old?

Although non-surgical technologies have limits, many mature individuals are ideal candidates for HIFU. Your age cannot be used to determine whether or not the treatment is appropriate. Some young people may exhibit early signs of skin sagging, and vice versa. Collagen production decreases with age. By the age of 65, people lose approximately 40% of their collagen.

5. Can I get HIFU treatment while getting a thread lift?

HIFU penetrates the skin's deep layers. If you get a Thread Lift, you will need to wait six months before having HIFU. Thread Lift can also have an impact on other treatments like radio frequency and laser. You should be aware of these concerns if you intend to have a Thread Lift.

6. Can HIFU affect Dermal Filler or Botox treatment?

If you have Botox or Dermal Fillers, you must wait for 4 weeks before having HIFU since the HIFU energy can heat and disrupt the Botox in your skin.

7. Can I have HIFU treatment with Microblading on my eyebrows?

You must avoid the area if you've got microblading or any other sort of cosmetic semi-permanent makeup, but you can still treat other areas of your face.

8. Does HIFU treatment damage skin?

HIFU treatment is safe since the ultrasonic energy exclusively targets the upper and lower dermal and SMAS layers of the skin. It does not affect the top layer of the skin (epidermal layer).

9. How long do results take?

Some people may notice a bit of a lifting effect immediately after the treatment. However, the final results are natural and take 2 to 3 months to become noticeable. During this period, new and stronger collagen structures replace older collagen structures.

10. How many sessions do I need?

Usually, 1 to 3 treatment sessions are required for optimal results depending on the individual. After achieving the desired results maintenance sessions are necessary, you should get HIFU sessions every 9 to 18 months to maintain your results.


In comparison to a surgical face lift, HIFU is a fantastic alternative if you want a treatment that is quick, painless, and noninvasive. Its benefits over a surgical facelift are difficult to ignore. HIFU stimulates collagen production, offering effective and long-lasting results. Of course, HIFU isn't magic to treat aging skin. The treatment is most suited for individuals with mild to moderate skin laxity, and it may be necessary to take follow-up sessions every one to two years as the natural aging process takes over. While HIFU is suitable for most individuals, it's essential to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine if this treatment is the right for you.

Say goodbye to wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, and welcome a radiant, youthful complexion from now on!

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